This is a FREE training for Sunday School teachers and leaders and is sponsored by the Hunt Baptist Association.  It will be held at Highland Terrace Baptist Church in Greenville, on September 14, 2015 at 6:30 pm. 
The keynote speaker will be author and speaker, Dr. Ken Hemphill, the former president of the largest seminary in the world, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Dr. Hemphill has pastored churches, led seminaries, served our Southern Baptist Convention in several key areas, and now serves as a professor at North Greenville University.
You REALLY do not want to miss this valuable training opportunity.  There will be various breakout sessions for workers of the each of the age-specific ministries.
A light meal will be served at 6:00 pm.


Meal served at 6:00 PM
Training begins at 6:30 PM
at Highland Terrace BC