On Sunday, May 31, 2020, we will be honoring our graduating seniors in the morning worship service. If you are the parent of a graduating senior and would like them to be recognized in the service, please RSVP online here, by calling the church office, or by emailing Roger D at youth@vansickle.org.
We are asking families to provide 3 pictures of each graduate–a baby picture, a grade school or middle school picture, and a picture as a senior. Please submit these either by email or dropping them off at the church office no later than Friday, May 29th.
**All of our graduating seniors are asked to bring their Graduation Gown. They do not have to wear it during the service, but they will be dismissed to change into them during the invitation.
Due to social distancing concerns, we will not be having our normal senior luncheon, nor will we have the senior display tables set up in the foyer. We do however want to encourage parents and families to consider doing something special for their graduates, called The Blessing.