What is it? Light up the Night is a more missional and intentional way to try to share the love of Jesus with our neighborhoods on October 31. Think Backyard Kids’ Club for Halloween. Those who participate would set up in their front yard (or another venue, i.e. the campground event center … ) something for those families who will come to their house or location anyway that would bless them and allow them to stay long enough to interact for 5-10 minutes or more if they will stay. Think s’more making or a carnival type game or some other activity. Two guidelines: Make it good (use the big candy bars, have plenty, etc.) and look like Jesus, not the world. We want to be a light to the world.

Why this instead of Fall Festival? We have not seen anyone who has come to Fall Festival and then come back for other things at the church or really connected in a significant way with our church. This would hopefully give us an opportunity to build connections with those that are already out in a smaller setting. I don’t live in a neighborhood where people trick or treat, what do I do? There are several ways you can participate. First partner with someone else from our church who does live in a good neighborhood for that and help them have the best house on the block.  Second find a venue like an apartment complex, campground community center, etc. where you can host for the families that live there. Third donate items for s’mores, the full-sized candy bars, good prizes, etc. for those that are hosting. Something everyone can do is to pray and invite families to our locations if they are looking for a safe place to interact.

lsn ‘t this just Halloween? No, not if we do it right. We need to look different than Halloween. We need to shine with the Light of Jesus through our interactions, decorations, etc. This is the only night of the year that people willingly approach other people’s homes. Let them come into your yard seeking a treat and show them Jesus. This doesn’t mean you need Bible costumes; it just means don’t look like Halloween. Be creative. Be intentional. Be missional. How do we get the word out about the change? Information gathered from past events has shown that the two most effective methods of advertising an event have been social media/internet and word of mouth. Use your social media, neighborhood pages, etc. to share info and invite. Also, tell your friends, family,  coworkers, etc. about what we are doing.

I want to participate, what do I need to do? Pray about how you should participate and ask Brandi about options if you are unsure what you want to do. When you decide, let Brandi know so we  can have info for where we are hosting and what your plan is for you home/site. Let Brandi know what supplies you will need to make it work.